Social Commitment



With the aim of facilitating access to the labor market for people who meet employability conditions and achieve a normalization of their personal and family situation, in 2013 I started COCINO EMPLOYMENT, a new project in collaboration with the Food Bank, the Francisco de Vitoria University, the 1 Kilo de Ayuda program, and several hotels, among which the Hotel Miguel Angel has the pleasure of collaborating from the beginning, making 50 weekly menus including first and second courses, dessert and bread.

The project is intended for families with unemployed members, with minors under their care and who are at risk of social exclusion: cases of eviction, people without support from family networks, families with a member with physical or intellectual disability, or mothers who assume all family responsibilities.

With Yo Cocino Empleo it is intended to respond to needs that are often addressed from different instances working on two axes:

Contributing to the coverage of basic food needs for families in a situation of high vulnerability, with the delivery of prepared menus donated by hotels and restaurants, baskets with food, cleaning and hygiene products provided by the Food Bank and 1 Kilo of Help .
Facilitating labor insertion itineraries, which include aspects such as the diagnosis of employability, orientation, training, and the evolution of results.

The commitment of the participants in the follow-up and fulfillment of the guidelines that are provided to them is sought, giving importance to being the protagonists of the process themselves and the true architects of their achievements.

The menus are distributed daily among the families that collect them and take them home, thus avoiding the certain stigma that many people may have to attend a soup kitchen. On the other hand in addition to helping the family, and especially children, have access to a complete diet, beneficiaries can focus without anxiety in the search for employment to have guaranteed coverage of part of the basic food needs of the family.

A great initiative with which the Hotel Miguel Angel has the satisfaction of collaborating.